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amazing features

MessageFlow is a fast and secure SMS tool that lets you send SMS within your WordPress dashboard.

Create Flows

Create triggers (Flows) to automate your SMS/MMS sending to customers.


Keep your customers up-to-date with their order status.

Personalized message

Easily serve multiple customer with spam-free bulk SMS/MMS.


Send and receive SMS within your customer within your admin dashboard.

Screen Phone

One Flow, thousands of Audience

Automate communication processes with ease.

Scheduled Flow

Schedule a SMS/MMS has never been easier.

Just let the stopwatch run

Customizable Triggers

Leverage customers' actions to trigger sending SMS/MMS.

Messageflow Web application

One Dashboard, many superpower

Don't own a WooCommerce store? You can still take advantage of MessageFlow features

Bulk SMS/MMS Campaigns
Account Management
Analytics (Coming Soon)
2-Ways SMS/MMS(Coming Soon)
Try for free
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pricing plans

Pricing that suits your needs

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus.


Freemium version with features that will serve store's basic needs.

  • Order Notification
  • Order Manual SMS
  • Bring Your Own API
  • SMS Campaigns
  • Basic Roles and Permissions


Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut.

Buy now
  • Single Project Use
  • Unlimited User Authentication
  • Unlimited data history & seats
  • Monitoring & alerts
  • Basic Roles and Permissions


Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut.

Buy now
  • All features Starter
  • Advanced Dashboard
  • Unlimited Roles & Permission
  • 1 Enterprise integration
  • External API management


Upgrades will apply immediately to all your live and drafted events, so you can take advantage of professional products capabilities.

Can I change my package?
Do packages and prices differ by currency?
What are ticketing and registration essentials?
What are my payment processing options?
Can I change my package?
Do packages and prices differ by currency?
What are my payment processing options?
What are ticketing and registration essentials?
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What are my payment processing options?
What are ticketing and registration essentials?
Do packages and prices differ by currency?
Can I change my package?
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Do packages and prices differ by currency?
Can I change my package?
What are my payment processing options?
What are ticketing and registration essentials?
Banner Image Home 4
What are ticketing and registration essentials?
What are my payment processing options?
Can I change my package?
Do packages and prices differ by currency?
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